Cool Links

Birder Organizations in Missouri
MBS Smugmug Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery  a place for members to share photos - managed by Al Smith
Mobirds-l Listserve
Nearby State Organizations
New to Birding
All About Birds  An online guide to birds and bird watching.  Listen to the sounds of 602 North American bird species.
The Young Birder's Backyard Guide  There are between 8,700 and 10,000 different species of birds. Have you ever considered bird watching as a hobby? If so, you can study birds right from your backyard. Here's a helpful guide.
Trip Planning Resources
Birding News (Rare Bird Alerts) from the ABA  Information on current birds being seen all over the US and Canada.
Texas Birding Trails  The extensive birding trails found in the state of Texas
What Bird Is It?
Hummingbirds!  An excellent resource from Lanny Chambers in Fenton MO
Patuxent Bird ID Infocenter  Bird ID, Bird quizzes (visual, audio, and maps), and a lot more!