Birding Site Guides

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About These Guides

A Birder’s Guide to Missouri Public Lands are birder-oriented site descriptions.  Entries appear in serial form in The Bluebird, the quarterly journal of the Missouri Birding Society (MBS), and as a frequently-updated cumulative set of entries on MBS’s website,

The series includes conservation areas and accesses, state parks and historical sites, national wildlife refuges, national forests, university-owned lands, city parks and other public lands open to birders.

The purpose of the guides is to provide birders with basic introductory information about sites, including good detailed, up-to-date driving directions.   Entries are intended to answer birders’ questions as they consider a site visit.  Is there a road through it?  Are there trails?  Are there special features of interest to birders? Are there toilets?  Are there hazards?   Do conditions or other birders’ experiences suggest unusual species might be present?  Is the site worth a visit anytime of year, or would a visit at a particular season be especially rewarding?

The level of detail varies among the guides.  Some entries provide step-by-step birdfinding tips.  For greater details for some sites in this series and for many others, birders should consult A Guide to Birding in Missouri, compiled and edited by Kay and Bill Palmer, published by the Audubon Society of Missouri, 2001.

Birders are encouraged to notify the compiler if there has been a change at a site that affects the Birders’ Guide for it, and to add details for the “bare bones” entries now online. Birders are highly encouraged to contribute additional guides. 

Hover over an icon until you get a single finger pointer. Click for the link to the Birders' Guide. If sites are so close that icons overlap, zoom in on the map to separate them to click on the link for the Birders' Guide you want. (This also enhances the accuracy of the locations on the map.)

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