Project | Partner(s) | Dollars | Fund Source | Status | |
Green Leadership Academy for Diverse Ecosystems (GLADE) 2014 2 students | Greater Ozarks Audubon Society, MSU, MDC, Community Foundation of the Ozarks |
Commitment: $2,500
Expenditure: $2,500
| SPARKS | 2015 academy held |
Jerry Wade Memorial Fund (YHEP) | MoBCI, et al. |
Commitment: $2,000
Expenditure: $2,000
| CACHE/SPARKS | Paid, YHEP providing funds for habitat projects |
Point Count Survey, Mississippi R. Floodplain | Audubon Center at Riverlands, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cornell Ornithology Lab, University of Missouri-St. Louis |
Commitment: $1,500
Expenditure: $1,500
| CACHE | Completed work in May and June, 2014 |
Marsh Bird Surveys April-June 2014 | Missouri River Bird Observatory; Natural Resources Conservation Service State Office; Univ. Central MO |
Commitment: $1,200
Expenditure: $1,200
| CACHE | Surveys completed |
Mystic Plains COA Private Lands Bird Surveys | Missouri River Bird Observatory, MDC, USFWS Partners for Fish and Wildlife, National Audubon Society |
Commitment: $1,175
Expenditure: $1,175
| CACHE | 2014 work completed |
SW MO Prairie Monitoring Volunteer Expenses | Missouri Prairie Foundation, MDC |
Commitment: $400
Expenditure: $0
| CACHE | completed, summer 2014 |
CAS Nature Sanctuary Prairie Restoration | MoBCI, CAS |
Commitment: $0
Expenditure: $0
| General Fund | Bird monitoriing, 7/1/15-6/30/16. 215 hrs., 148 eBird lists. |
Rolla Nature Center Prairie Brush Removal | Ozark Rivers Audubon Society |
Commitment: $0
Expenditure: $0
| CACHE | $1800 request withdrawn after approval because clearing work was done gratis |