Next Meeting of the Missouri Birding Society

Spring Meeting
Mountain View, MO, Bunker Hill Retreat
May 2-4, 2025

Announcing Spring!

And with it registration for the Spring MBS Meeting will open very soon. Here is a quick overview:

Our meeting site is well-known to many of you, but if you've not been to Bunker Hill Retreat, know that you are in for a fantasic weekend of birding! We will have organized field trips throughout the day on Saturday and Sunday morning, and opportunities Friday afternoon. Of course it's the Ozarks and you'll have fun making your way through good birding sites on you way there.

Bunker Hill is located 14 miles northeast of Mountain View, Missouri sitting serenely on the bank of the Jack Forks River in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. You'll be able to step out of your cabin in the morning to the morining song of resident and migrant birds picking their way through the trees. 

NOTE: In a break from the past, MBS will take your reservations and payments, do not send them to Bunker Hill Retreat. 

You will learn about the natural history of the Ozarks through presentations each evening:

Friday night: Dana Morris, Chief Ecologist for the L-A-D Foundation will share information about forestry management for breeding birds in the area. 

Our Saturday keynote speaker is Mick Sutton, cartographer for Mammoth Cave and ecologist for the Cave Research Foundation (CRF) which partners with agencies throughout the Ozarks to map, manage, restore, survey and provide interpretation to the public. 

Check in begins Friday at 2:00 p.m., with check out Sunday by 11:00 a.m., however the property is accessible from check in through 2:00 p.m. Sunday. 

There is only one (1) dinner provided, that will be on Saturday night. (Friday is on your own.) Breakfast on both mornings will be continental style (yogurt, toast, fruit, etc.) 

All fees, including lodging, are payable to MBS, we will provide Bunker Hill with lodging and dinner totals. Continental Breakfasts and Sunday picnic are provided by MBS up front or on the weekend.

Mail payment to (or pay through Paypal at checkout):

2101 W. Broadway
PMB 122
Columbia, MO 65203-1261

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