MBS Videos of Meetings and Workshops

In addition to our own presentations, MBS supports MRBO Webinars which are also available here.

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    • This session focuses on shorebirds we are likely to see coming through Missouri in post-breeding migration, which begins with returning adult shorebirds in mid-July. Provides pointers for identifying these adults, and also for recognizing the juvenile shorebirds that follow a few weeks later.
    • Presentation by Tim Barksdale, sponsored by the Missouri Birding Society, Missouri Young Birders Club, and Missouri River Bird Observatory.
    • Dr. Pete Monacell, regional reviewer for eBird and a member of the Missouri Bird Records Committee, presents on the Identification of spring shorebirds in Missouri. Pete discusses the basics of shorebird identification with a focus on Missouri’s spring shorebirds, ranging from commonly occurring species to rarities.
    • Rich Hoyer is a Senior International Bird Guide with WINGS Birding Tours. His musical ear is always tuned into bird voices, and he has nearly instant recall of thousands of bird songs and call notes in his head. In this audiovisual presentation, he will present examples of mimicry in songbirds from throughout the Americas and share his enthusiasm for this curious and often entertaining behavior.
    • Learn about Missouri’s State Bird, the Eastern Bluebird, what and how to feed them, and all you need to know about bluebird nest boxes and bluebird nest box trails. Steve and Regina Garr have been dedicated to the conservation of Bluebirds and other native cavity–nesting birds for decades. They have co-founded two state bluebird organizations and Steve is a past President of the North American Bluebird Society. He is the current President of the Missouri Bluebird Society and Regina serves as the Society’s secretary.
    • A webinar by Margy Terpstra. Learn what our native birds, both resident and migratory need to thrive. Includes practical tips and resources to help you take those first steps in adding beneficial native plants and simple water features to your yards.
    • A webinar by Dr. Peter Monacell and Dr. Paul McKenzie, members of the Missouri Bird Records Committee. They present an overview of raptors that occur in Missouri, with particular attention to characteristics necessary for field identification, including discussion of the state’s Red-tailed Hawk subspecies.
    • MBS vice-president Edge Wade draws on her 25 years of winter birding in south Texas to acquaint Missouri birders with the species found in the LGRV.
    • Learn more about how to identify and enjoy our feathered friends during this harshest of seasons.

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