MBS Scholarships

Bauer Graduate Research Scholarships

YearRecipientInstitutionResearch Title
2025Georgia ColemanUniversity of MissouriNest-site selection and nest success of Northern Harriers (Circus hudsonius) in California’s Sacramento Valley
2024Gabriela Rivero-RamirezMissouri State UniversityGiant river cane (Arundinaria gigantea) and Swainson’s warblers (Limnothlypis swainsonii): Implementing innovative monitoring techniques for species and habitats of conservation concern
Shelby PalmerMissouri State UniversityInvestigating the relationship between ancestry and song in the Black-capped chickadee/Carolina chickadee hybrid zone
Alejandro Chávez Treviño University of MissouriBreeding success of Eastern Meadowlark (Sturnella magna) and interactions with bison grazing (Bison bison) in restored pastures of Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
Zach VickersMissouri State UniversityDoes Local Abundance Explain Cultural Complexity in Bewick's Wren Songs?
Sarah ClementsUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaLandscape effects on individual-decision making and fitness in mid-continent migratory shorebirds
John SchulzUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaAttitudes of Natural Resource Professionals about voluntary use of nonlead hunting ammunition
Katie RittenhouseSoutheast Missouri State UniversitySpatiotemporal variation of mercury in insectivorous birds and insects in southeast Missouri wetlands
Kyle J. KuechleUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaQuantifying neonicotinoid concentrations in Missouri wetlands and the potential effects to the associated avian community
Travis J. SchepkerUniversity of MO - ColumbiaWaterfowl Response to Spring Food Availability on Mid-Latitudinal Wetlands during Migration
Julianna JenkinsUniversity of MO - ColumbiaTradeoffs in Neotropical migrant songbird survival and resource use in fragmented Eastern deciduous forest: from the nest to indepencence
Jamie L. McCallumUniversity of Central MissouriUse of Hayed and Unhayed CRP Fields by Grassland Birds in Missouri
Vincenzo A. EllisUniversity of Missouri-St. LouisHealth and its Relation to Patterns of Abundance and Distribution of North American Birds
Richard A. Stanton, Jr.University of Missouri-ColumbiaAssessing the Potential for Brown-headed Nuthatch Reintroduction in Missouri: Habitat Selection at Multiple Spatial Scales
Kaylan KeminkUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaThe Missouri Greater Prairie-Chicken: Historic Decline and Present-Day Survival and Movement
Allison S. CoxUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaNatal dispersal of Red-bellied Woodpeckers in a fragmented landscape
Cara JoosUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaHabitat selection and reproductive success of Bell 's Vireo (Vireo belli belli) in managed habitats of central Missouri
W. Andrew CoxUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaIdentification of important nest predators and the factors that influence their contribution to overall predation rates in a Midwestern landscape
Robin Hirsh-JacobsonUniversity of Missouri-ColumbiaThe Effects of Late Season Nests on Source-Sink Dynamics in Mid Missouri Forest Fragment