Meetings & Birding Events


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MBS Spring & Fall Meetings

All birders everywhere, novices and experts, members and non-members, are invited to MBS's two annual meetings. The spring meeting, on a weekend in late April or early May, is in a different location each year. Fall Meeting is usually scheduled for a late weekend in September or first weekend of October. Activities include the annual business meeting. Formerly held at Camp Clover Point, Lake of the Ozarks State Park, the fall meeting has been moved around the state in recent years.

At MBS's meetings beginning birders and some of Missouri's most experienced birders come together to enjoy finding and identifying birds, learn new birding skills in the field and in workshops, share stories, greet old friends, discover new places and match faces to online names.  In short, we have fun!

Edge Wade, longtime Missouri birder, observes three things birders love most:

  1. To see a life bird;
  2. To show another birder a life bird;
  3. To say to another birder, "You should have been here 5 minutes ago".

Life birds are not certain at MBS meetings, but birders who love to show birds to others are absolutely guaranteed.
